Conditions of Use of Homeowners Discount Card
- The Card Holder and the card must be present at the time of purchase, and the card is for the member’s exclusive use.
- The Cardholder is entitled to a 10% discount on all local Food and Beverages sold at the Dirks Bar, La Trotaria, The Terrace, and Syringa@ Waterberg Lodge.
- The Cardholder is entitled to the Homeowners Rate for Green Fee and Cart Hire. The Cardholder must be in possession of the card for the duration of the round of golf and may be requested to present the card at the ProShop when booking or paying.
- The Cardholder agrees to conduct themselves in line with the club and the Body Corporate rules while using the facilities owned by Zebula Country Club.
- The Card Holder acknowledges the sovereignty of Zebula Country Club as a Commercial Enterprise and acknowledges the autonomy of Zebula Country Club Pty Ltd to position, price, and promote their commercial enterprise in line with the commercial agreement, which makes provision that Zebula Country Club Pty Ltd has specified commercial rights both exclusive and preferred nonexclusive rights for its commercial gain.
- The Cardholder acknowledges the sovereignty of Zebula Country Club that it has the overall aesthetic independence of both its owned assets of Section 158 as well as the exclusive use areas, with the only restrictions being that they comply with the Body Corporate Rules as registered with the STMSA and which apply to every Homeowner and member of the various body corporates.
- The Card Holder acknowledges that as a member of the Body Corporate respects the obligation to act in good faith with the Zebula Country Club, in so doing agrees to voice all concerns, comments, and complaints concerning the service delivery of any of the products and services offered by ZCC as a commercial enterprise in a respectful, private, and timeous manner without tarnishing the good working relationship between ZCC and the members of the body corporate.
- The Cardholder acknowledges that without communicating any concerns, comments, and complaints respectfully and promptly, ZCC will not be able to resolve and act on the concerns suitably.
- The Card Holder acknowledges that ZCC is committed to offering a four-star experience as graded by the Tourism Grading Council of South Africa, which ZCC commits to renewing annually.
- The Cardholder acknowledges that when the Card Holder makes use of additional facilities owned and operated by ZCC and for which ZCC does not request financial compensation for these facilities, such as the pool area and gym et. The Cardholder acknowledges that they use these facilities voluntarily. As a guest of ZCC, a privilege made available to ZCC commercial Guests and homeowners exclusively and not for homeowners or commercial guests. The Cardholder acknowledges that this is a privilege exclusively discretionary by ZCC. That discretion can be revoked at any time and without notice to either an individual and or a group of individuals.